Monday, August 25, 2008

Something a Little Less Nerdy...

A friend of mine is totally obsessed with the Twilight Saga, so obsessed that she bought me the first two books and told me to read. If your reading this, I wonder how you feel about being mentioned. hee-hee.

All I can say is: Vampires are HoT! hee-hee. Twilight is hot, in a seductive way, the story seduces you and keeps you reading. Edward is hot. (Yes I am aware I have used the word "hot" multiple times =P ) Alas, I'm not a fan of Bella, she is really retarded. I mean who hits herself and another person when swinging a badminton racket. You have to be pretty retarded to pull it off. *rolls eyes* But Edward more then makes up for it, he is perfect: dark, seductive, and a perfect gentleman. I still haven't finished the first book, but I only started reading two days ago. I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow.

Strange thing is, Twilight inspired me to continue writing, something I gave up on a long time ago. I decided to pick up my Greek myth story, which I started a few years ago, and which has also had minimal work done to it; I only wrote a small paragraph for it prior to picking it up again. Now I have added in a little teaser before that said paragraph to build up the suspense. I have decided to share it, so I'm just wondering what some of you think (but I doubt I will get a response, since I have yet to receive a comment....)

"This is a story, a very old story, told by an ancient people; they professed that it was from the gods. This is a story, a very old story, one that was never given true light. But now, it begins to unwind as it utters quietly to you in the deep darkness of the night. Close thy eyes and listen to the faint murmurs in the night, as they echo across time:"

The rest is followed by a summarized retelling of the creation myth, well Hesiod's version at least, because it is the most detailed and fits well with what the story eventually builds into. I'm not going to say much about it. But, I do have a clear image of where it is going and the ending, however, the majority of the story is still up in the air. I do know what the first two chapters will cover through. The first is the summarized creation myth and the second is the birth of Ares, god of war. As far as I know, my version is different. I don't think there is even a myth involving the birth of Ares, but I haven't done extensive enough research to claim so.

What I am hoping to convey, beyond the themes, is a poetic flow, that is reminiscent of the Greek poems, but I don't know if I will be able to pull it off ^^;;; Oh and the working title is "Tales of Old". haha. I am open to suggestions though. Remember, it's a revised take on greek myths ;)

p.s: please dear friend, if you read this, don't laugh (but I know you will ^^)


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